Weight Management Program

Healthy Fat…is Healthy

New information about saturated fat!

Starting with faulty guidance from the “Seven Countries” study in the late 1970s, America embarked upon 3 decades of promoting low-fat eating as being healthy.  More studies are showing that saturated fat (found in whole-fat dairy, dark chocolate, unprocessed meat, salmon, nuts, olive oil – see Mediterranean Diet above) is not only healthy but it may reduce your risk of a stroke!  There was no evidence that these foods increase the risk of heart disease.  Don’t take my word for it, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology released a state-of-the-art review in August 2020!

Healthy Fat…is Healthy

New information about saturated fat! Starting with faulty guidance from the “Seven Countries” study in the late 1970s, America embarked upon 3 decades of promoting

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Mediterranean Eating Style

Proven healthiest eating style…again! PreSeveral studies have shown that a “Mediterranean” eating style is generally the healthiest.  Two popular studies supporting this are the Predimed study,

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